24 - 12 - 2020

A Christmas Message From SPEX

2020 has been a rough year for so many and we are very thankful for the support that we’ve gotten through this crazy time. A heartfelled thank you from myself and from the whole SPEX by Ryan family to you all.

One of the most amazing things to see was the people coming out to support local business. Not just with SPEX by Ryan but many of our friends running businesses in Saskatoon and Regina. The support you’ve shown to the local guys is amazing and we love you for it.

To my team, I want to give a massive thank you. Thank you to Bobbi for all the hard work bringing SPEX to Saskatoon. Thank you to Max and Tanita at the Regina HQ. You guys have been such a positive force in a year full of negativity, it means a lot to have you guys with me.

I think it goes without mention, but we are extremely appreciative of everyone working on the front lines to help keep us safe, healthy and doing everything you do to keep the world running. I’ve had the chance to talk to a lot of you personally, hear your stories, and I can’t thank you enough.

We look forward to having a healthy and safe 2021. We have a lot of exciting stuff planned in both Saskatoon and Regina that we know you’ll enjoy!


2020 has been a roller coaster for all of us. Having to pivot and make decisions and changes on the spot. For me, I choose to look back on the year and see the amazing, positive changes it has brought me!

Taking a leap of faith to join the entrepreneurial world with Ryan to help open the Saskatoon store has been the most fulfilling decision I have made, and because of this I’m so thankful for Ryan. He has been an inspiring and positive mentor and friend.

Max and Tanita – my co-workers from a far that keep me smiling daily with funny text and facetime calls. I could not have picked 2 more genuine, hard-working and knowledgeable people to work with!

Doing what I love while getting to know all our clients on a personal level has been an especially fulfilling part of joining up with SPEX by Ryan.

So, Thank you to the SPEX by Ryan team and clients for making 2020 a positive one for me!

I am wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year!

Bring on 2021!

Love and hugs,

By |2021-01-01T14:39:30-05:00December 24th, 2020|Media|Comments Off on A Christmas Message From SPEX