10 - 11 - 2015

Catching the Winter Blues? Meet Kirk&Kirk

Alissa M. Hill

Grey winter days making you feel a little blah?… Are the bright kaleidoscope colors of spring, summer and fall slowly escaping your memory? Fear not, Kirk & Kirk Kaleidoscope collection to the rescue.

This is the perfect time of year to add some vibrant colour to our everyday rotation of frames. For the better part of the year, classic and contemporary frames have been overtaking the first place on the popularity list. Moving into the winter months were we tend to change into a paler complexion to match the environment around, it’s an ideal time for that *pop* of color.


High grade acrylic goes into each and every frame giving it an outstanding lustre that resembles glass. This line comes in an assortment of vibrant, stunning colors. Acrylic is not a common material used in our industry so it truly gives the lucky owner of one of these frames a unique statement piece.

By |2020-07-27T03:30:34-04:00November 10th, 2015|Media|Comments Off on Catching the Winter Blues? Meet Kirk&Kirk