23 - 05 - 2019

Face Shapes and Frames

Although there is no set universally agreed on amount of face shapes, the most common face shapes that you will find are: Round, Oval, Square, Heart, Oblong and Diamond. These basic face shapes are named in a way that should give you a basic idea of the relation between your forehead, cheeks and chin forms. Today we are going to break down what each of these face shapes are, and then give you tips for what frames tend to work on these face shapes.

Round faces are curved, and their width is the same as their length. There are no noticeable angles to these faces, and as such, the recommended frames are going to give some angles and some length to your face. As such, rectangular frames that are a bit wider will help to achieve this look.

Oval faces tend to have a balance of proportions and your frames are going to want to keep this balance. Eyeglasses that are as wide or wider than the broadest portion of your face are always a good bet.

Women's Eyewear Regina Face Shape

Square faces tend to have a strong jaw and squared forehead, as well as the width and length of the face having a similar proportion. Narrow frame styles and narrow ovals will help to soften the angles of a squared face.

Heart faces, or inverted triangles, have a wider forehead with a narrower bottom and chin. To help balance the forehead, a frame that wider at the bottom can look very flattering. Rimless or thin frames are also a good option to not draw focus upwards.

Face Shape Glasses Regina

Oblong faces is a face shape that is longer than it is wide. For these face shapes you will be looking for a frame that has more depth. This will help add width and shorten the length of your features to create a balanced look.

Diamond faces are narrow at their forehead and jaw, and wider in the middle of the face, often having dramatic cheekbones. To highlight your eyes and help soften your cheekbone frames that have detailing, a distinct browline or cateye frames are all good choices.

So there you have a quick overview of face shapes and frame styles that can suit each face type. However, please remember that these are all just guidelines and your best option is to come try on some frames at Spex in person to find out what really suits you!

Face Shape Frames Regina

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