02 - 04 - 2018

Regina, clip-on it

clip-on it, clip-on it..

Summer is coming and you need sunglasses. But what about clip-on sunglasses?

The clip-on has revived itself from it’s days of strict functionality- and you want in on it.

Some of our most sought after brands have been designing clip-ons to go with all of your favourite styles of eyewear. As well we work closely with a company to create a custom clip-on lenses to compliment any pair of SPEX frames you fall for. The possibilities are endless mirrors & beautiful hues.

Clip on glasses

Whichever shade of gray or rose-coloured lens you would like to look through as the sunny days approach (they are are going to, right?) we are looking forward to bringing your style & eyewear together into a clip-on for your favourite SPEX.

*Pictured are two of our recent client-designs. To show you a hint of the possibilties & I thought you might want to drool over them too…

By |2020-07-27T02:27:39-04:00April 2nd, 2018|Media|Comments Off on Regina, clip-on it