23 - 05 - 2024

Saskatchewan’s Independent Eyewear Store

We have all shopped at chain stores.

It’s been a staple in our lives since our parents pushed us around in carts, with our feet dangling as we were bored out of our skulls. Chains have always had that effect. Then we get a little bit older and get a taste of our first indie store. Maybe it was shuffling through old pre-owned records, vintage clothes or a small shop selling local produce and artisanal goodies, but we knew it was special, unique and strangely familiar.

We remember those independent stores and the memories. We actually still frequent a lot of them!

Places like Rebellion Brewing, Dutch Cycle, and 13th Ave Coffee House in Regina.

In Saskatoon we have Hardpressed Print Studio, 9 Mile Legacy, and Soul Paper

SPEX by Ryan is proudly an Independent Store… So what? Big deal.

Well, it IS kind of a big deal. There are less independent eyewear stores every year. It’s a tough business and we’re so fortunate to have survived, and thrived. We remind ourselves of this every day. We’ve got great partnerships with eyewear manufacturers from all over the world. We’ve got amazing clients who fast become our friends, familiar faces that we’re always happy to see. We’ve also got an amazing team. They don’t get as much credit as they deserve, but do they ever deserve it.

Let’s break down the exact differences between Chain Eyewear Stores and Independent Eyewear Stores.

High Quality Hand-made Frames

Our frames and brands are curated. Everything we bring into the store is carefully thought through. The frames are selected by our team and our team only. We’re not stuck trying to sell products that we don’t believe in. We’re not chasing numbers by pumping out cheap, low quality frames so we can make room on the shelves, because every single spot on the shelves is a home for a pair of glasses that we’ve thoughtfully chosen.

Above all, we value high quality frames. Hand-crafted frames that have been through someone’s hands. An artisan whose sole job is making beautiful eyewear that lasts. The designers and manufacturers we deal with have their own distinctive interpretation of eyewear, using unique, quality materials to create a superior product, and we stand by that word, superior.

Material like acrylic, mazucchelli acetate, and titanium will always beat out cheap plastics and metal. These frames are built to last. Cheap eyewear is meant to be replaced, with parts that degrade and wear over time. It’s easier (and more profitable to the chain stores) to toss them in the trash and buy a new pair. We choose eyewear made to last, using sustainable parts. The designers we partner with aren’t in the business of creating more waste, and neither are we.

We Repair Glasses

People don’t always take advantage of it, but in most cases we can repair your eyewear. Sure, if you step on them, drive over them, or snap them in half, we probably won’t be able to help – but we will certainly try! Replacing parts, adjustments to make them fit good as new, and securing your lenses. It doesn’t matter if the frames we sell are highly custom, oddly shaped or tricky to work with. We’ve got the tools, and if we can get the parts, we’ll do our best to get the job done.

How many chain eyewear stores can say the same?

Our Glasses Come With Warranty

One of the reasons we work with our partnered manufacturers is that not only do they make great eyewear, they also stand by their products. Each designer backs this up by offering warranty, making parts available for replacement, in factory repairs or even full eyewear replacement. Terms are variable, each manufacturer is different, but that responsibility to our customers is there.

The best part on our end of things at SPEX by Ryan, this is included in your purchase. We don’t offer any over priced extra warranty that’s worth more to the store’s bottom line than it is to the customer.

We are elated when we look back at the end of the year reports and we have next to nothing for warranties on our eyewear. This is the true testament of the quality of the eyewear that we carry.

SPEX by Ryan Values

When’s the last time you heard someone proudly say that they’re part of the Wal-Mart club? You’re probably counting numbers on a closed fist trying to get that number. There’s no pride being part of an ecosystem that doesn’t have a face, a store that doesn’t know yours.

The MOST important thing to us, is making sure that everyone feels good about themselves. You’re an individual, with different expectations, comfort zones and styles. We live for the smile or the look of confidence that comes from finding the perfect pair of glasses that belongs to you.

We’ve got time, and it’s used effectively.

There’s no pressure to get you in and out the door so we can move onto the next person. There’s more to your eyewear than the measurements on your face, and it’s rooted in you as a person. We get to know you, because that’s important, it’s part of the process.

Your name isn’t just filled out in our system, it’s filed in our heads next to our friends and family, because that’s where it belongs. You become part of the SPEX family.

There is pride in being part of the SPEX by Ryan family. That excitement when someone recognizes that the frames you’re wearing are so special, they must have come from SPEX. It’s a family kinship that you don’t get from wearing something mundane, mass manufactured and just plain boring. Every single person that comes through our doors is welcome. 

We want you in the SPEX by Ryan club with every bit of enthusiasm that we can muster!

By |2024-05-23T12:04:05-04:00May 23rd, 2024|Media|Comments Off on Saskatchewan’s Independent Eyewear Store